I am playing the sims 4 with a human sim and a werewolf but they cannot interact with each other? In fact, nobody seems to be able to interact with the werewolf sim and he can't interact with anyone either. It's the pre made sim Lou Howell... not sure what's going on here. ...
Werewolves Werewolf trait_occultwerewolf Sims 4: Seasons cheats You can't change the season at will after creating a new world, so you'll have to use a cheat instead. Or, you know, live through each season in Live Mode but that would take way too long. Use seasons.set_season [#] to...
Known and Reported Conflicts: None so farRePerked - VampiresTunings: vampirePerks_Weaknesses loot_VampireProgressionKnown and Reported Conflicts: Vampires Weakness Freedom Vampires Free PerksRePerked - WerewolvesTunings: loot_WerewolfProgressionKnown and Reported Conflicts: None so far...
1. Play with a werewolf sim with unlocked transforming ability 2. Click on another werewolf and pick fight from the werewolf cattegory (friendly) (I'm not sure what the interaction is called in english) 3. The option is greyed out and the note is displayed - this werewolf hasn't unlo...
This small Mod changes a few things regarding the Brith Certificate which got added with Get to Work: When sending your Sim to the Hospital to have a Baby (Rabbithole) they’ll get a Certifcate as well Certificates can be renamed Vampire, Mermaids, Spellcaster, and Werewolf Babies get uniqu...
26.09.2023 - Patch 1.101.290 Update18.07.2023 - Patch 1.99.264 Update14.07.2023 - Better Nanny Main Mod Package should allow you to talk with the Nanny again. 09.04.2023 - More Tweaks to work better with infants 19.03.2023 - First Update to work better with infants 14.03.2023 - Patch ...
Players can also edit needs and several other aspects of occult life. For vampires, werewolves, and spellcasters, right-click the XP progress bar to select rankings or right-click on the power/talent point counter to set its levels.Remove werewolf temperamentsor spellcaster curses by right-clicki...
Clickhereto access it! The Random Trait Generators have been updated for The Sims 4 Get Famous. Primary Parent Trait 1: Trait 2: Trait 3: Secondary Parent Trait 1: Trait 2: Trait 3: Child Traits Provide any child traits that were previously generated...
traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_GreaterWolfBlood - Get Greater Wolf Blood Trait traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_InitiationBonusTrait - Get Lunar Confidant Trait traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_AntiCapitalistCanine - Get Anti-capitalist Canine Trait traits.equip_trait tra...
Werewolves Things You Need To Know Before Buying Werewolves The Sims 4 Werewolves: Fated Mates, Explained How To Become The Pack Alpha All Werewolf Temperaments And How To Trigger Them How To Find Greg All Werewolf Books And How To Find Them How To Manage Your Werewolf Fury Things You Need ...