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Thanks to Spaceman, who answered many questions while I was making the switch from Milkshape to Blender. Thanks for translations to egureh (Chinese(China) and Chinese(Taiwan)), Mankindvm2 (Czech), chewie210 (Danish), Nicom75 (French), Guhrasoh, linefy, and Nepomukl (German), Libertyvisio...
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2、Sims 4 Studio(3DM下载)3、Blender(3DM下载)请下载并安装好上述的3个软件,我们就可以开始喽!...
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【SIM4工具】MO..今天逛3DM的时候无意中发现一个很有用的小工具,特地拿来分享给大家~ 【工具说明】这是一款可以根据自己的喜欢随意修改物品纹理的工具!使用方法:1.解压文件2.运行S4Studio.exe3.