{0.SimFirstName} has achieved the Alchemists Anonymous skill challenge. Check {0.SimFirstName}’s Skill Journal for information about the reward. In order to earn the Alchemists Anonymous challenge, you must throw {0.Number} potions at other Sims. Once you have achieved this challenge, other ...
The Burglar is an iconic Sim featured in The Sims, The Sims 2, and The Sims 3 who sneaks into houses, usually at night when Sims are asleep, to steal household items. As a longtime Sims player, I have wanted to bring the Burglar to The Sims 4. You could say I’ve been stealing ...
Also, for the first time ever, you are able to play as the pet within a household. In order to add a Pet to a household, there must beat leastone Sim in the family. You can create a new pet to add to a household with Sims, or use the Telephone to adopt a pet. Animal only h...
Now the Sims 2 is gone from the store and my library. It states that the games were removed but how do you remove something that I own? The CDs that came... - 11087002
The modern convenience of fast food has all but vanished overnight. Being able to find enough normal food is now the order of the day. None of the major food chains has any plans to try and return to the region. May not use the “Quick Meal” option on a fridge or cooler. May not...
I have a new pc and I'm trying to install the Sims 2. I downloaded from my collection the Sims 2 folder into my PC and I tried to install it but it keeps saying that I first must install the Sims 2 into my pc. So I don't understand what I should do?
In order to send the ghost back to its grave, the player must activate "Testingcheatsenabled", hold down shift and left-click on the ghost. The player will see an option titled Force Object; if it is selected, an option titled "Delete It" will become available. Select this and the ...
Learn all about Sims and their characteristics in The Sims 3. This will teach you about the motives Sims need to fill in order to be happy, the Lifetime Wishes you can pursue and the Wishes that can be fulfilled by meeting game goals. This Guide ties together many of the others on our...
You can watch the announcement trailer and read the full blog post below.Pre-order is already avaliable, with an early purchase bonus. Make the world your canvas with The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies Expansion Pack Wake up and smell the coffee! It’s time to seize the clay and make a bo...
21.12.2024 - Fixed an Issue for the "Hot Cocoa" & "Hot Cocoa with Marshmallows" Text not showing up for players without the For Rent EP.15.12.2024 - Added Mint Citrus Nectar (Riviera Retreat Kit). Update of Russian by Jane_Moriarty.12.12.2024 - Reworked Mod, so it now works with ...