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Four residential including one starter home and one empty lot with the fifth lot being a community lot or venue, which is a bar. Glimmerbrook also has the Portal to the Realm of Magic where your Sim will find the Sages. Glimmerbrook ...
Sims may not visit community lots or enter neighborhood houses (They may still wander their local neighborhood, as long as it doesn’t cause a loading screen. This does not prevent Sims from leaving for work. May not move sims out of the household (Besides your initial imported family to s...
(MC Command Center does have options to make skilling and careers more difficult and also bills adjustment. There are also mods to let you get hit by a car or get an incurable disease.) That said, lot challenges are a step in the right direction and I LOVE THEM. If you want burglars,...
The quickest and easiest way to become confident is brushing your teeth. This can be done at any sink. Since every community lot includes sinks you can easily grab (and refresh) your confidence moodlet whenever you need to. Psyching self up in the mirror is also a quick and easy way to...
The Sims 4 Vampires' creatures of the night have a special ability to avoid certain types of death. They are totally immune to poison and death by humiliation and laughter. This makes vampires incredible for skilling up in comedy to make Sims laugh so hard they die, especially when combined...
My opinion is that you can go into build mode and add the arboretum on a community lot, when you are done the empty lot will change to the arboretum icon.Do whatever you want with the 5 lots, so that is my thinking I can do that. Bossman, opinion? Quote from: Metropolis Man on ...
Click on the Bulldozer at the far right to clear the lot. At the left, you'll see the type of lot. At the moment you can have Residential, Retail, and a variety of Community lots. Residential lots don't have any requirements. For Retail and Community lots, there are a few requiremen...
dontmindme, Dealing with the 20x20 lot counts as one of your 5 lots. You can merge it with a nearby lot or make it big enough for a house or community building.Metro, in the Workbench, I asked whether the founders could buy businesses and properties, and you said definitely not, that...