…Last week, RedditorRocketShipUFO1106headed toThe Simpsonssubreddit witha comprehensive, illustrated floor plan of the iconic light-pink abode. Upon first glance, the interior of 742 Evergreen Terrace looks like, well, just that. Boasting several in-show staples — living-room fireplace, two-ca...
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Behold the destructive power of censorship as Homer Simpson and the Comic Book Guy fight for their right to free speech and their very lives. Envison a local celebrity, Krusty the Clown, who comes to dinner and refuses to leave. Witness Mr. Burns' power-mad scheme to undermine the economy...
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The 2019 Tribeca Film Festival, presented by AT&T, will debut highly-anticipated new and returning TV series and spotlight creative online storytelling work. The Tribeca TV lineup will include 16 shows made up of eight series premieres, two season prem