Bart the Murderer(aired October 10, 1991): When he crashes his skateboard into the stairwell of the Legitimate Businessman's Social Club, Bart falls in with a particularly bad crowd: the Springfield Mafia. Soon, he befriends Fat Tony (Joe Mantegna), Louie (Castellaneta), and other goodfella...
4: Bart the Murderer Bart becomes an errand boy for the Springfield Mafia. When Principal Skinner disappears, Fat Tony points the finger at Bart. Thursday, October 17th, 1991 5: Homer Defined Homer averts a meltdown through sheer dumb luck. When he’s invited to the Shelbyville Nuclear Pow...
"Bart the Murderer" Principal Still Missing: Police Search for Body Principal Murder Trail Begins Today Psychic Joins Skinner Hunt Sentencing Today For Dinky Don "Treehouse of Horror II" World Peace Declared Monster Okay Slavery Plan "Flaming Moe's" Wizard of Walnut Street "Radio Bart...
Episode –"Bart the Murderer" Episode –"Homer Defined" Episode –"Like Father, Like Clown" THOH –"Treehouse of Horror II" Episode –"Lisa's Pony" Episode –"Saturdays of Thunder" Episode –"Flaming Moe's" Episode –"Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk" Episode –"I Married Marge"...
Bart the Murderer (1991) After having a horrible day, Bart gets a job tending bar for a group of gangsters and becomes the prime suspect when Principal Skinner mysteriously disappears. Homer Defined (1991) Homer is a hero after averting a nuclear meltdown that he nearly caused, but he ...
38 September 26, 1991 The family sits on the couch, but Homer sits on Santa's Little Helper, whom he pulls out from under him. "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington" 8F01 39 October 10, 1991 The family forms a human pyramid on the couch with Maggie on top. "Bart the Murderer" 8F03...
These episodes include "Bart Gets an F", "Bart the Murderer" and "Separate Vocations".In "Simpsons Bible Stories", Bart is writing a chalkboard punishment in hieroglyphics when he hears Milhouse's horn being blown and leaves the classroom....
39. 3-4 10 Oct 91 Bart the Murderer 40. 3-5 17 Oct 91 Homer Defined 41. 3-6 24 Oct 91 Like Father Like Clown 42. 3-7 31 Oct 91 Treehouse of Horror II 43. 3-8 07 Nov 91 Lisa's Pony 44. 3-9 14 Nov 91 Saturdays of Thunder 45. 3-10 21 Nov 91 Flaming Moe's 46. ...
Kelsey Grammer’s sonorously duplicitous sidekick-turned-serial attempted murderer, Sideshow Bob, proved himself a worthy antagonist to Bart Simpson by slipping into the role of a vengeance-crazed ex-con in aCape Fearspoof that contains the legendary sequence where the frustrated clown steps on a ...