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Wikisimpsons is an encyclopedia all about The Simpsons that anyone can edit. It has detailed artices of characters, episodes, locations and everything Simpsons.
Wikisimpsons is an encyclopedia all about The Simpsons that anyone can edit. It has detailed artices of characters, episodes, locations and everything Simpsons.
The first season of The Simpsons premiered on December 17, 1989 with "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire", and ended on May 13, 1990 with “Some Enchanted Evening”. Matt Groening, James L. Brooks, and Sam Simon were the showrunners of the season. The ori
The Simpsons Home Page, online since 1996. Featuring the history of The Simpsons, Homer Quotes, Bart's blackboard quotes, Moe's tavern prank calls, The Stonecutters Song, and more!
Wikisimpsons is an encyclopedia all about The Simpsons that anyone can edit. It has detailed artices of characters, episodes, locations and everything Simpsons.
THE SIMPSONS全球首间实体旗舰店于北京三里屯开幕。 品牌发家史 入手指南 品牌发家史 《The Simpsons》(辛普森一家)是1989年12月17日正式开播的美国FOX广播公司的成人动画情景喜剧,以一个美国俄亥俄州春田镇(虚构)普通五口之家的日常生活为主题展开,旨在至今已播送超过六百集,从美国文化、社会结构、人生百态等各方...
【中意皑希优】美利坚..位于美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市的环球影城,把经典动画片辛普森一家 The Simpsons 建成了主题乐园!把辛普森一家居住的斯普林菲尔德镇 (Springfield)一一在现实重现。参观者都能到此一游,
《"The Simpsons Guy"》是由塞思·麦克法兰、大卫·祖克曼编剧,塞思·麦克法兰、艾利克斯·布诺斯汀主演的电视剧。该剧于2014年首播。该剧讲述了彼得因不满漫画而创作,却遭遇一系列不幸,最终在辛普森家得到帮助并卷入一系列事件,包括啤酒侵权案、狗狗失踪等,最终彼得面临失业危机,家庭成员间也有小摩擦与和解的故事...