One of the core values at Simpson Strong-Tie is to help you succeed by providing innovative products, full-service engineering, field support, product testing and training, and on-time product delivery. We strive to provide innovative anchor systems solutions for infrastructure, commercial, industrial...
“Holdowns”, Simpson Strong-Tie Catalog: Connectors For Wood Construction, Catalog C87H-1, cover page and p. 8, Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc., 1987, 2 pages, USA. “Strong-Tie Rod System”, Simpson Strong-Tie Catalog C-HW02, back page and p. 21, Simpson Strong-Tie Company, ...
Large-diameter anchor holes accommodate 1/2"-diameter concrete screw anchor and wedge anchors, such as the Simpson Strong-Tie Titen HD® heavy-duty screw anchor and the Strong-Bolt® 2 wedge anchor. The RCKW5.5 and RCKW7.5 have three large holes for added versatility. The center hole ...
Hibbert whilst performing a sonogram on Marge when she was pregnant with him, and moments after being born, he set Homer's tie-on fire, starting his life as a prankster (although Marge claimed that he could not have done it on purpose because he was only a 10 minute old newborn).[16...