Simpson Strong-Tie continues to broaden our construction solutions to give you the power to build.View our product lines Versatility Defined For strength and fast driving in a variety of applications, the Strong-Drive® SDWS Framing screw is the perfect multipurpose fastener for pros and DIY...
55年来,Simpson Strong-Tie一直专注于创造结构产品,帮助人们建造更安全、更坚固的房屋和建筑。Simpson Strong-Tie被视为结构系统研究、测试和创新领域的领导者,与行业专业人士密切合作,提供代码列出、现场测试的产品和价值工程解决方案。其结构产品被公认为有助于建筑物抵御强风、飓风和地震力。公司广泛的产品包括工程结...
0612金属吊钩、金属挂钩; 基本信息 商标名称SIMPSON STRONG-TIE ANCHOR SYSTEMS 申请号5836581国际分类6类-金属材料商标分类表 商标状态已注册申请日期暂无 申请人美国辛普森众泰公司 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC.查看此申请人的商标分析报告 代理机构思朴知识产权代理(上海)有限公司查看此代理机构下的所有商标 ...
品牌/型号:STRONG/思创 品牌:STRONG/思创 适用范围:连接木材 <p><span style="color: #993300;"><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><span>Simpson Strong Tie #H2.5AZ H2.5 Hurricane Tie ZMax (图一)<br /></span></span></strong></span></p><p>Description: 描述</p><p>H2.5AZ Hu...
Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc., located at 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd, Pleasanton, CA 94588, is the company responsible for collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Information under this Privacy Policy. If you would like to create a request regarding your privacy rights, please use our...
Website: For more than 55 years, Simpson Strong-Tie has focused on creating structural products that help people build safer and stronger homes and buildings. Considered a leader in structural systems research, testing and innovation, Simpson Strong-Tie works closely with...
Information about our Strong-Rod® systems that include code-listed take-up devices for securing mid-rise, wood-framed buildings against forces caused by seismic and wind events.
In the fastener marketplace, Simpson Strong-Tie stands apart from the rest. Quality and reliability is our top priority. That’s why we hire PhDs, metallurgists, materials engineers, and structural engineers to create the best possible fasteners. And why each production run goes through rigorous...
The Simpson StrongTie Catalog This is a complete guide to understand how to use engineering tools, tables, and wood species to figure out what a house might need. This is a how-to video on the American Wood Council Connection Calculator; ...
One of the core values at Simpson Strong-Tie is to help you succeed by providing innovative products, full-service engineering, field support, product testing and training, and on-time product delivery. We strive to provide innovative anchor systems solutions for infrastructure, commercial, industrial...