19370240272 HARTING Technology Group Han 24M BASE SURFACE HC, EA 131起订 1+5+ ¥2084.62¥1876.17 1-3周 购买 415-0037-024 Cinch Connectivity Solutions SMA Plug - BNC Plug Lead RG-58 24", EA 121起订 1+ ¥258.97 1-3周 购买 09370240301 HARTING Technology Group Han 24M Bulkhead housing, EA...
El Síndrome de Simpson-Golabi-Behmel (SSGB) es un Síndrome de sobrecrecimiento raro, que se caracteriza clínicamente por múltiples anomalías congénitas, sobrecrecimiento pre y post natal, rasgos craneofaciales distintivos, macrocefalia y organomegalia. Otras características que pueden presentar...
Full size image Figure 4 (a,b) Map of mainland Southeast Asia showing the distribution ofPilsbryoconchaspecies and the main river systems. Maps were developed using QGIS v3.24.3 by compiling topographic base map of freshwater river basins from the Freshwater Ecoregions of the World (https://ww...