The general configuration of a simply supported beam was shown previously in Fig. 3.1 and used to justify various opening statements. However, in reality it and other vertically loaded beam arrangements have limited application to actual ground control problems, such as the many instances of span ...
We use several fixed point theorems, previously developed by the author and her coauthor, to prove the existence of solutions of some simply supported beam problems. To finish the work, a particular case is studied, and the existence of multiple solutions is proved for 2 different particular ...
Considering the gradient characteristic of elastic parameters, as well as piezoelectric parameters and the density, the problem of piezo_electric coupling plane strain for a piezoelectric simply_supported beam subjected to an uniformly_distributed load is studied. First, using inverse method, the polynomi... Simply Supported Beam A simply supported condition physically represents a pin joint in two dimensional or a ball joint in three dimensional. For a simply supported beam, the deflection is restricted, but the rotation is enabled at the support. For a beam with a simply supported edge,...
In this paper, we obtain the global structure of positive solutions for nonlinear discrete simply supported beam equation $$\\begin{aligned}& \\Delta ^{4}u(t-2)= \\lambda f\\bigl(t,u(t)\\bigr),\\quad t\\in...doi:10.1186/s13661-018-1113-9Yanqiong Lu...
One-sign solutionsBifurcationSimply supported beamIn this paper, we consider the nonlinear eigenvalue problem u ′′′ = λ h ( t ) f ( u ) , 0 0 $sf(s)>0$ for s ≠ 0 $seq0$ , and f 0 = f ∞ = 0 $f_{0}=f_{\\infty}=0$ , f 0 = lim | s | → 0 f ( s )...
Based on the weight integration to obtain the closed solution of cohesive crackproblem, a method is proposed to obtain the stress function of a simply supported beamunder uniform distributed forces in this paper. The key technique is to determine theweight of several solutions of elastic mechanics...
The main results are based on the global bifurcation theorem.KeywordsPositive solutions??Global structure??Discrete simply supported beam??Bifurcation??MSC34B15??34B18??34B27??1 IntroductionDifference equations usually describe the evolution of certain phenomena over the course of time, which often ...
Fig. 1. Simply supported plated beam under a mid-span load. As the analysis focuses on the plate end debonding process, all the materials involved in the problem except the interface are assumed to have a linear elastic behavior; that is, the non-linearity is concentrated at the interface....
Q. Yao, Positive solutions of a nonlinear elastic beam equation rigidly fastened on the left and simply supported on the right, Nonlinear Anal., 69 (2008), 2267-2273.Q.L. Yao.Positive solutions of a nonlinear elastic beam equations rigidly fastened on the left and simply supported on the ...