Experience fully random rolls with 3D models and physics-driven animations, giving you that authentic dice feel. Customize the background color and various other settings to suit your preferences. Fun and Versatile Why not give it a go just for fun? This app is ideal for all your gaming need...
OctoPrint, which has been one of the most commonly known software for 3D printing, can be used in Raspberry Pi as well. This software allows you to collect data and even remotely monitor your 3D printer. Rather than using an SD card, you can now control your 3D printer remotely. Apart f...
Using BIM tools that are simple and allow the team to focus on the actual BIM data rather than model maintenance will help in the simplification of BIM. Ideate Software offers a great tool base for that step into 3D modeling. September 26, 2019 ...
The pgModeler translates the models created by the user to SQL code and apply them onto database clusters from version 8.0 to 9.1. Please, let me know how the pgModeler is working on your system! Help to improve this project, give your feedback about the software or report any bug at ...
一個行 js 既 program / software, 你寫左一堆 js instruction vue 呢個 program 就同你 gen 一堆 browser 識睇既 js 出黎 當然你都可以用 global build / cdn 版本 但你就要直接寫d browser 識睇既 js 出黎 node vue program 幫你 gen, 你咪多d component, shorthand, .vue file 幫你寫 cdn 版...
At the Explorers Club, the kids were encouraged to do projects. Steve decided to build a frequency counter. This would measure the number of pulses in an electric signal. While working on it, Steve needed some parts that HP manufactured, so he looked up for Bill Hewlett in Palo Alto, Cal...
SimplyColor3D 2.0 版 由SimplyColor3D 在 Prusa MMU3S 上 3D 打印自定義多色 2D 模型 [來源:BigBrain3D] 2.0 版最重要的變化之一是引入了 .3MF 文件格式。 這種通用文件格式大大優於 .STL,因為它可以包含幾何以外的其他信息,例如——你猜對了——顏色!