2016版-Simply Said Communicating Better at Work and Beyond 下载积分: 4000 内容提示: 文档格式:PDF | 页数:237 | 浏览次数:1000 | 上传日期:2018-09-15 07:42:34 | 文档星级: 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 776 p. 09880-优必选招股说明书2023 551 p. 02149-贝克微招股说明书2023 866...
Focus 1. 过去完成进行时 Late the night before she had been arguing with one of her children, being cruel, as teenagers can sometimes be, her child said to her, "You have no friends." 前天晚上,她刚跟自己的一个孩子吵架。孩子大发脾气,就像其他十来岁的孩子有时会大发雷霆一样,孩子对她说:...
如果你的内容能够让对方看过听过之后还能记得,并能复述给其他人,这个内容才是有效的。所以: ①每一句话不要超过10个字,如有长句尽量断开变成短句表达。(图2) ②表达的内容避免使用行话。 ③你的内容是围绕看或者听你内容的人,这些内容到底能够对他们产生什么影响,带来什么价值。(图3) 以分析师角度写的报告: I...
一本令人相见恨晚的职场沟通好书。书中列举的很多实例和技巧,都能切实在工作中运用到,职场越早期接触,越能帮助你脱颖而出。全书分为4个部分:1. 沟通内容:1. 从听众利益出发:why they should care ?2. 尽快让听众明白,你想让他们了解什么:what is the so-what?3. 从问题和现象引入,直入主题,语句越简单越...
图/《simply said》部分内容 此书主打一个“傻瓜式教学”,急着写邮件的同学可以直接翻到第13页:如何称呼教授、向教授提问...都能找到答案。(下滑可领取PDF) ▶️On Writing Well 豆瓣9.1,耶鲁大学出品,连纽约时报都堪称“写作圣经”的写作书籍确实少见。
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1. Awful at detecting the E and A strings, even at full volume. For instance, the guitar tab said to play 5th string 2nd fret, which is b. I played this and the app would not detect it forcing me to rewind to try again. This happened multiple times and I gave up to try again ...
It's been said by some that "the bar is pretty high" when it comes to learning GUI programming in Python.What happens when the bar is placed on the ground and can be stepped over?This is one of the questions that the PySimpleGUI project has tried to answer. Here's a humorous look...
It's been said by some that "the bar is pretty high" when it comes to learning GUI programming in Python.What happens when the bar is placed on the ground and can be stepped over?This is one of the questions that the PySimpleGUI project has tried to answer. Here's a humorous look...
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