Linda used the creasers on the little journaling square beside that lovely photo of her darling: Linda also used mySplatters Vol.1 Brushesand myThis and That – Textured Stickerson her layout above. This artistic, textured delight was created by Debra: And last but certainly not, never, the...
Perhaps that’s why I am stunned: because I am so used to the great brotherhood that exists among the boys in my son’s school (or most of them, at least) that this is a first-time thing for me to actually witness. When I arrive home about half an hour later, I tell my 20-ye...
Seeing the lights and the perfect set-up just sitting there, waiting for the taking, I couldn’t resist and shamelessly snapped a few of my own photos while I was at the studio. Here’s one of the photos that I took, spruced up on a layout which I gave this lovely couple for Chr...