Tagged ascanning,cocktail,Cranberries,Cranberry,Cranberry Compote,Eastsound,Eastsound Washington,hors d’oeuvres,Island lifekale,Kale saladOrcasOrcas IslandOrcas Island Washingtonorganic cranberriespickled cranberriesrecipeSan Juan IslandsT Williams RealtyTeri Williams byMandy Randolph| Traditional Irish Soda Bread...
There were SWEETS served of raw milk panna cotta and strawberries, fresh chocolate cookies. We were so full by this time we had to take a pass on the last course. However, we did go down to the lower level of the barn where all the magic was happening with the food, thanked our foo...
食譜是參考自才氣縱橫的Mandy Lee from ladyandpups.com的食譜。她是我特別欣賞的一個部落客,照片拍得非常有質感、深具個人風格,簡直媲美專業雜誌。照片背景相當簡單,雖然多是鳥瞰式的構圖,但焦點完全放在料理,沒有阿雜花俏的道具卻不覺畫面單調 (你知道有些food blog感覺是為拍照而拍照,就像fashion blog為了穿搭...
Out of all the “homemade” chicken noodle soup I’ve perused, yours is by far the best. Canned broth and chunked breast the other recipes call for ain’t gonna cut it! And by using kluski, you are my instant hero. *hint- I always add a splash of a good dry white wine. Kudos...
Filed under Family Life, Gardening, Recipes, Uncategorized Tagged as canning, Dill pickles, Eastsound, Eastsound Washington, gardening, Orcas, Orcas Island, Orcas Island Washington, organic gardening, pickles, recipe, San Juan Islands, T Williams Realty, Teri Williams by Mandy Randolph | August 3...