Now let us move to simplifying fourth degree roots. No matter what root you are simplifying, the same idea applies: find cubes for cube roots, powers of four for fourth roots, etc. Recall that when your simplified expression contains an even indexed radical and a variable factor with an ...
Simplify Radical Expressions with Variables Example 1 In the image above, we can see that this radical expression has an index of 3, meaning we are working with a cube root and a radicand of x to the fourth. To simplify this radical expression, we must first determine the perfect cube ro...
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So for instance, in the following which has three real solutions, we get the result in terms of complex-valued cube and square roots:Reduce[0 == 2 x^3 - 9 x^2 - 6 x + 3, x, Cubics -> True] But if I specify the domain Reals...
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