Simplifying Fractions with complex numbers in the denominator Let's say we have this problem: {eq}\frac{1}{3-4i} {/eq} When looking at the denominator there is a problem because there is an i, or an imaginary piece in the denominator. This is not acceptable, so we have to get rid...
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions with Rational Exponent 7:41 Cubic, Quartic & Quintic Equations | Graphs & Examples 11:14 Adding, Subtracting & Multiplying Polynomials | Steps & Examples 6:53 Polynomial Long Division | Overview & Examples 8:05 Synthetic Division of Polynomials | Method & Exa...
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Thus, the mathematics of simplifying will use the tools in algebraic manipulations of fractions. The difference between having unknown variables and not having them lies in the conditions set for the values allowed for the unknown variable. Since a fraction can never have zero in the denominator,...
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Changing Negative Exponents to Fractions How to Define a Zero and Negative Exponent Exponent Rules: Review & Practice Simplifying Algebraic Expressions with Rational Exponent The Distributive Property & Negative Exponents Factorials | ACT® Math Test Prep Simplifying Expressions with Exponents |...