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Simplify the expression 58⋅512. 58⋅512=58+12=520. Notice that this is the final answer. Do not type this into a calculator and get a very large number, leaving 520 is considered fully simplified. Using bx÷by=bx−y Simplify the expression 79÷73 Feel free to write out this prob...
Perform operations within parenthesis first. Multiply (divide) in order from left to right. Add (subtract) in order from left to right. 2) What is another way to write the following algebraic expression? ) ( - n2 1 n1 ) ( (n2– n1) (n1 n2) = 3) What is (a) the inverse of ?
How do you simplify square roots without a calculator? Remember that the root of a product is the same as the product of the roots of its factors. That is, a square root can be "broken up" over multiplication. Factor a perfect square out the number under the square root, break up the...
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Do not type this into a calculator and get a very large number, leaving {eq}5^{20} {/eq} is considered fully simplified. Using {eq}b^x \div b^y = b^{x - y} {/eq} Simplify the expression {eq}7^9 \div 7^3 {/eq} Feel free to write out this problem as a fraction and ...