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How to Multiply Radical Expressions6:35 Solving Radical Equations | Overview & Examples6:48 Simplifying Square Roots | Overview & Examples4:49 How to Rationalize the Denominator with a Radical Expression3:52 How to Simplify Roots of Roots
In other words, we are going to solve as many equations as there are terms in the product Any solution of term = 0 solves product = 0 as well. Parabola, Finding the Vertex : 3.2 Find the Vertex of y = a2-4a+2Parabolas have a highest or a lowest point called the Vertex . Our ...
Homework Statement Simplify (1/3 + 1/3y)/(1/y + 1/3) Homework Equations (1/3 + 1/3y)/(1/y + 1/3) = x In this case I am using x to represent the simplified expression The Attempt at a Solution (1/3 + 1/3 * 1/y)/(1/y+1/3) = (2/3 * 1/y)/(1/y + 1/3)...
To be able to remove something from under the radical, there have to be 2 instances of it (because we are taking a square i.e. second root).√ 16 = √ 2•2•2•2 =2•2•√ 1 = ± 4 • √ 1 = ± 4 So now we are looking at: x = ( -6 ± 4) / 2Two ...
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To be able to remove something from under the radical, there have to be 2 instances of it (because we are taking a square i.e. second root).√ 36 = √ 2•2•3•3 =2•3•√ 1 = ± 6 • √ 1 = ± 6 So now we are looking at: x = ( 4 ± 6i ) / 2Two ...