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Amonomial order,T, can be specified as an optional argument, forcing ideals into a canonical form. • The set of ring variables can also be overridden using an optional argument. If the new variables are a subset of the original ones, this computes the extension of the ideal in the new...
Update 16 Mar 2016: Include additional case for Scenario 1 if main payload needs to be renamed dynamically Update 11 Mar 2016: Enhance Scenario 3 with Java mapping to
However, if your domain is registered elsewhere, and you’ve backed up your site, you can quickly move it someplace else and resume operations. This can be a lifesaver if you make a significant amount of your income online. There are many, many other things people consider in their decision...
However, if your domain is registered elsewhere, and you’ve backed up your site, you can quickly move it someplace else and resume operations. This can be a lifesaver if you make a significant amount of your income online. There are many, many other things people consider in their decision...
This command is part of the DifferentialGeometry:-Tools package, and so can be used in the form DGsimplify(...) only after executing the commands with(DifferentialGeometry) and with(Tools) in that order. It can always be used in the long form DifferentialGeometry:-Tools:-DGsimplify. Example...
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