Voters are looking at to make yes or no votes on amendments - and an individual parish-by-parish proposal - ranging from the availability of abortion to the legalization of sports gambling. Here's the way the proposed Constitutional amendments (which already has 195, by the way) will read o...
For these reasons, we remain faithful to the original style of the CUV by upholding the principles of “not to make amendments for the sake of changes” and “make minimal changes.” Established in 1946, the United Bible Societies coordinates 146 bible societies to serve over 200 countries...
However, this result was caused by the failure of the SCAN model to adequately simulate the poor response to fertilisers typically seen in outfields. A second version of the model modified to increase runoff and reduce nutrient availability on soils depleted in carbon gave a more realistic decline...
The SMAQ is a modified version of the original four-item Morisky Scale, which has since been modified and validated as an eight-item scale [61, 63]. However, the Morisky Scale has been validated and is more commonly used in hypertension patients and general purpose adherence studies and ...
91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC (in the amended version OJ L 396 from 29.05.2007 page 3 with further rectifications and amendments). Exposure Limits (See Section 8): Executive regulation of Minister of Labour and Social ...
All procedures performed in our study were in accordance with the 1964 Helsinki declaration (adopted by the 18th World Medical Association General Assembly, Helsinki, Finland) and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. 2.4. Statistical Analysis The analysis started with the imputation of...
activities of persons at work; Public Health Act, 2009, which prohibits the discharge of oil, grease, ballast, waste, sewage, or any other polluting substance into the environment; Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Regulations, 2005 and 2018 amendments, which emphasizes on environmental audits...
Constitutional amendments—536 wordsTotal length of the new constitution—814,784 wordsIn 431 chapters, with all code sections numbered.We can fix everything at onceThere are so many things wrong with the world today. I spent 17 years listing these things and writing a new 1,900-page ...
2. An Overview of the Seismic Design Codes The first comprehensive seismic design code in the SFRY was published in 1964 [15], after the 1963 Skopje earthquake (M 6.1), which caused significant fatalities and economic losses. A subsequent version of the code was issued in 1981 (PTN-S) ...