Customizing the Preedit/Status Window From the Preedit/Status Dialog You can control the Preedit/Status window placement in this panel if your application specifies the root window style Preedit or Status. 1. Selecting "Position on the screen" places the window in a fixed location of the ...
Cell-based models of excitable tissues offer the advantage of cell-level precision, which cannot be achieved using traditional homogenized electrophysiological models. However, this enhanced accuracy comes at the cost of increased computational demands,
The conversion of Amps to Volts is governed by the equation Volts = VA·PF/Amps For Example, 48 VA · 0.6 / 12 Amps = 2.4 Volts Converting Amps to Watts and VA in 3-Phase Power In three phase power, the basic equation is multiplied by the square root of 3, or 1.732 ...
In all of the structures, the overall backbone and side-chain conformations were almost perfectly retained, with a backbone root square mean deviation (RMSD) of 0.3–0.4 Å, which is similar to the RMSD of the wild-type BPTIs solved by different research groups (Table 3; Fig. ...
The method is to use square-root-of-the-sum-of-the-square (SRSS) approach and the equations are shown (Eqs. (13) – (14)): (13) (14) Where δ*i is the combined displacement of level i. θ*i is the combined inter-storey drift of level i. 3.2 Analysis of ETABS When torsional...
CRP is in mg/litre, ESR is in mm/h; the range of other variables is from 0 to 10; Ln represents the natural logarithm; √ represents the square root. The ASDAS has been validated and found to be dis- criminatory in assessing disease activity in axial SpA and it has been endorsed ...
Consequently, we analyzed the samples as if they were independent of each other. For demographic characteristics of participants: we used one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction to compare mean age; chi square test to compare response categories of levels of education, marital status and SMAQ ...
as a double word 2 number of record for parent directory (or 1 for the root directory), as a word; the first record is number 1, the second record is number 2, etc. N name (or 0 for the root directory) 0 or 1 padding byte: if N is odd, this field contains a zero; if N ... OPEN Modeling gene flow distribution within conventional fields and development of a simplified received: 02 July 2015 sampling method to quantifyaccepted: 26 October 2015 Published: 24 November 2015 adventitious GM contents in maize Enric Melé1,*, Anna Nadal2,*...
Stained glass windows are a precious heritage to pass on to future generations. However, medieval stained glass windows are particularly altered due to their chemical composition and the effects of climatic (mainly water and temperature), environmental (pollution) and biological factors. In this review...