I tested Simplicity studio on another project and it works much better. I must use OPTIMIZE(11) to make my project it fit in 64K C8051F380. I would like to import my project into Simplicity Studio but it only allows up to OPTIMIZE(9). I can compile all of...
Select OK when you get the following Visual Studio 6.0 projects warning. Explore the sample solution. It is a console based sample solution and we will use the Debug Command parameter to define test data, i.e. 1 1 + to add 1 and 1. Ensure it...
+ +# IDE (e.g. Android Studio) users: +# Gradle settings configured through the IDE *will override* +# any settings specified in this file. + +# For more details on how to configure your build environment visit +# http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/build_environment.htm...