这是一个简单的开发服务器,可以与webpack应用程序一起使用,也可以不与webpack一起使用。 它旨在简化开发过程,并旨在终止在开发过程中运行两台服务器的棘手做法。 用法 创建devserver.config.js 。 module . exports = { proxy : { '/api/*' : 'http://url.of.prod.api/' } , publicPaths : { '/ass...
通过SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS 定义这个驱动的suspend和resume函数,如果没有定义CONFIG_PM_SLEEP的时候就将CONFIG_PM_SLEEP定义为空函数,这样可以避免build error static SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(asic3_led_pm_ops, asic3_led_suspend, asic3_led_resume); static struct platform_driver asic3_led_driver = { .probe = ...
int(*resume) (structdevice *dev); conststructattribute_group **groups; conststructdev_pm_ops *pm; structdriver_private *p; }; 那么可以将宏SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS使用到struct platform_driver定义中,例如gpio-keys.c中: staticSIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(gpio_keys_pm_ops, gpio_keys_suspend, gpio_keys_resume...
"start":"simple-dev-server" } } and runyarn start As a global command yarn global add simple-dev-server Then you may simply runsimple-dev-server Simple Config Examples Just Webpack (even with isomoriphic) // Nothing. It'll default to port 3000 ...
Erilan/simple-dev-docker-stackmaster 1 Branch 0 Tags Code Folders and filesLatest commit Antonin Savoie first commit b99ba62· History1 Commits apache first commit mysql first commit .gitignore first commit docker-compose.yml first commit ...
Tomcat kind microk8s README.md Repository files navigation README Simple DevOps Project This Repository is a collection of Implementation documents. Purpose: By following this repository you can able to setup a DevOps CI/CD Pipeline using git Jenkins Maven Ansible Docker & KubernetesAbout...
Simple_Dev 73 关注 21 粉丝 18 文章 9983 字数 42 收获喜欢 18 总资产 IP属地:四川 文章 动态 最新评论 热门Flutter 遇到 Exception: ideviceinfo returned an error: 问题 解决方法 Flutter 遇到 Exception: ideviceinfo returned an error: 问题 解决方法 检查你是否安装了Xc... 4720...
Simple_Dev 73 关注 21 粉丝 18 文章 9983 字数 42 收获喜欢 18 总资产 IP属地:四川 关注用户 73 粉丝21 张科_Zack 关注157粉丝 23文章 98 写了19884 字,获得了 60 个喜欢 关注 bf53eb94b6ea 关注37粉丝 2文章 0 写了0 字,获得了 0 个喜欢 ...
24 November 202314 min read CI/CD Bravin WasikeinCI/CD How to Set up Jenkins CI/CD on Kubernetes Cluster using Helm Jenkins is an open-source multi-platform software for continuous integration/continuous delivery and deployment (CI/CD) in DevOps. It is one of the... ...