Gather together your plants and hand trowel, and decide where you want to plant them. It's a good idea to leave at least 2-3 feet between plants to allow for ample sun and rain to get to the plants, and to leave room for you to move between them to weed and harvest the fruits. ...
journaling hypothesis after hypothesis on plant needs, growth etc, cooking with all your yummy veggies and herbs, and drawing/painting the beauty of God’s creation just scratches the surface of what is in store for you!
Then cover the potatoes with a couple of inches of soil. Hill up the soil continually as the potato plants grow along the sides of the plant. Doing this will help for keeping the soil around the developing tubers loose and keeps the surface tubers from being exposed to sunlight. Scatter ...
the good qualities. Crops generally produce several hundred seeds from each plant. By comparison, each weed plant can produce tens or even hundreds of thousands of seeds. And some buried seeds can survive up to forty years or even longer. Eradicating weeds m...
Plantain is a common broad-leaf herb commonly mistaken for a weed. This healthy, hardy plant can be found in backyards across North America and is nutritionally similar to dandelion leaves. Used medicinally by cultures around the world, plantain is a common herbal home remedy for both nutritiona...
Still have dry beans to harvest, seeds to save, and herbs to replant. All these are easier tasks than the “real” work that pulls at my time. But the best harvest is having fun. Even when the popsicle boats we made kept sinking… ...
n. the part of a plant from which the roots spring or the part of a stalk or trunk nearest the rootsn. a victim of ridicule or pranksn. a large cask (especially one holding a volume equivalent to 2 hogsheads or 126 gallons) n. 粗大的一头, 烟头, 靶, 笑柄[医] 对核 buzz b...
Weed out the weaklings… And WTF is it with all the over-acting emphasis Bozza? Don’t they have decent drama school and elocution in Eton? Less of the lunging into the damn camera, and perhaps engage brain before opening trap? Nah, it’ll never catch on, and anyway, we’ve had en...
Still have dry beans to harvest, seeds to save, and herbs to replant. All these are easier tasks than the “real” work that pulls at my time. But the best harvest is having fun. Even when the popsicle boats we made kept sinking… ...