Compound Complex 并列复合句 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 Simple sentence 简单句主谓(宾)I study. I study Chinese.Compound sentence 并列句用and, but这样的连词, 连接的两个或两个以上的句子.分句没有主从关系.I study Chinese but he studies French.Complex sentences 复合句用because, since 等连词,连接...
Complex sentences are often more effective than compound sentences because a complex sentenceindicates clearer and more specific relationships between the main parts of the sentence. The word "before,"for instance, tells readers that one thing occurs before another. A word such as "although" conveys...
Simple sentences vs. complex sentences A complex sentence consists of a single main independent clause with one or more dependent clauses connected to it using a subordinating conjunction. Below, the first example is a simple sentence, while the second example shows how the same independent clause...
Simple, compound and complex sentences简单句、并列句和复合句A Exploring the rules语法规则探究Below is an introduction on the home page of a website for teenagers. Matcheach sentence with the correct type in the table below. Write down the numbers.下面是一个青少年网站主页上的介绍。在下表中,用...
simple sentences, for example, will sound choppy and immature while too many long sentences will be difficult to read and hard to understand. This page contains definitions of simple, compound, and complex sentences with many simple examples. The purpose of these examples is to help the ESL/EFL...
Compound-ComplexSentences Thecompound-complexsentence=2independentclauses(including1startedwithacoordinativeconjunction)+1ormoresubordinateclause(thesubordinateclausecanbepartofanindependentclause).ExamplesBecauseIpaidattention,IgotanAonthetestandIwassohappy.Iwenthomebecauseitwasgettinglate,butIhadtowaitontheporch...
Simple, compound and complex sentences简单句、并列句和复合句 A Exploring the rules A 语法规则探究Below is an introduction on the home page of a website for teenagers.下面是一个青少年网站主页上的介绍。 将Match each sentence with the correct type in the table below. Write每个句子与下表中正确的...
SampleCompound-ComplexSentences.♦Afterthetwoadversarieshadspentyearsplaying this“catandmouse”game,theywerejoinedbytheirchildren,andthefuncontinued.♦Eventhoughitseemsthetwowerebentontheother’sdestruction,thecatandmousewereratherfondofoneanother,andneitherwantedtheother’sdefeat.♦Thisgamewasbegunthousandsof...
A. Simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences. B. Adjective clauses, adverb clauses, and noun clauses. C. Present tense sentences, past tense sentences, and future tense sentences. D. Declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, and imperative sentences. ...
Compound sentences (and compound-complex sentences) connect two or more subjects using a coordinating conjunction like and. My father and I prefer to watch other people play catch. Keep in mind that with imperative sentences, or commands, the subject is usually implied, not written out. [You...