The contribution of non-verbal ability was not significant, and general processing speed only made a significant contribution to decoding for typical children. The two factors in the Simple View of Reading, decoding and comprehension, together explained less of the variance in reading ability for ...
According to the present study, the additive model explained more of the variance in reading comprehension than the product model, and only rapid naming contributed significantly to explain variance in reading comprehension, above and beyond that explained by the SVR.doi:10.1080/00313831.2010.508914...
Simple View of Reading (SVR) in Different Orthographies: Seeing the Forest with the TreesOne of the influential models of reading development may be the Simple View of Reading (SVR), according to which Reading Comprehension can be explained by two important components, decoding (D) and......
Readingisacomplicatedoperation,andyetoneofthemostwidelysupportedmodelsofreadingis surprisinglysimple.Infact,itisknownas“thesimpleviewofreading.”Thisview,whichisassociated withPhilipGough,WilliamTunmer,andotherreadingresearchers,holdsthattherearetwochiefelementsthat areequallyimportanttoreadingcomprehension.Oneisdecoding...
The present study examines the applicability of the simple view of reading (SVR) (Gough & Tunmer, 1986) model of reading comprehension in Kiswahili, a language that has a transparent orthography. We examined the developmental relationships among nonword decoding, listening comprehension, oral reading...
Scores from the DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) subtest, a measure of word recognition speed and accuracy, strongly and significantly predicted multiple measures of reading comprehension. No other DIBELS subtest score explained additional variance beyond DIBELS ORF. Although experimental DIBELS Word ...
For those running Karate in non-Java projects via the command-line, note that you can set the number of threads via --threads or -T as explained here. You can easily "choose" features and tags to run and compose test-suites in a very flexible manner. You can use the returned Results...
This behavior could hardly be explained on the prevailing behaviorist principles, in terms of conditioned stimulus and response associations, for it involved taking a completely novel route to a reward. For example, in the study “Orientation and the shortcut,” Tolman et al. (1946) trained ...
16 Often there were visitors, like the twelve-year-old girl who for a time had the habit of visiting him on her way home from school. Finally the puzzled mother of the girl met Dr. Einstein and asked him what he and her daughter talked about. The doctor smiled and explained: “Oh, ...
Gita Journey is a straightforward, modern, contemporary, basic explanation and commentary of the Bhagawat Gita, with Sanskrit to English word meanings. Each shloka (verse) is explained in detail. An introduction to the Bhagavad Gita along with study reso