A very simple to-do list app for an easy way to make quick notes. Features include: ・Only one list. ・When done, swipe left to delete. ・Reorder or edit, as nee…
#‘Do!’是可以在iOS中使用的,最简单的 To Do软件。 ## ## 您是否已经因为复杂的 To Do List变得很疲劳? ## • To Do 软件不需要学习! • 不用再使用没有意思的基本字体! • 纸和笔的声音已融入到此软件当中! • 不用再消耗很长的时间来整理需要做的事情! ##
Create to-do list Timebox and prioritise Add team members Assign tasks Join rooms Attend meetings TasksSpaces Brutask is less like a tool and more like yourvirtual office! We’ve cracked the code ofremote workingfor teams The experience is almost like working in your office with your colleagues...
Simple Todo List Package A simple yet powerful npm package that provides a to-do list with a user-friendly interface, drag-and-drop functionality, and an integrated calendar component. Installation You can install the simple-to-do-list-package npm package using npm or yarn: npm install simple...
极简待办 - 苹果推荐的待办清单 (to do list) app现在支持Mac电脑了。你现在可以在你的Mac iPhone 和 iPad上无缝的同步使用极简待办了。 ---功能特点--- - 可在 Mac 和 iPhone iPad 之间同步的极简清单列表 - 任务描述和子任务 - 菜单栏模式 随时可及 - T…
Many exciting new features coming up. Get Orderly now and experience to-do lists in a whole new way. Once you use Orderly, you will never go back to your regular boring to do list manager! What’s New 16 Nov 2024 Version 4.1.0 ...
"To-do list" is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete. A simple website that allows users to create a To-do list. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. - dialite/To-
Set achievable weekly goals for habits and track your progress. Habits are integrated in the to do list so you'll remember everything you want to achieve. Streaks & Achievements See streaks for how many weeks you've achieved your weekly goals. You don't have to do every habit every single...
loops; simple to do list while loop VS if loop: while loop, we don't know when the loop will stop, if loop, we know how many times the loop will run. FOR...OF... let subarrays = ['hello', 'hi', 'how are you'];for(let sub of subarrays) { console....