仅针对异界幻想生活整合包 其他整合包修改概不负责 百科地址:https://www.mcmod.cn/class/2882.html MCBBS地址:https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-1085400-1-1.html curseforge地址:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/toms-storage 我的世界 ...
我的世界1.19.3-1.11.2简易存储 Simple Storage Network Mod下载 简易存储 Simple Storage Network Mod由作者“Lothrazar”所制作。 该mod添加了一些电缆来连接容器。(类似于AE或物流管道)。 添加了许多方块,以下举些例子: 物品箱子:在网络中存放物品。 网络电缆:连接网络部分的默认电缆。 ...
Storage & Crafting Terminal Inventory Connector Open Crate Wireless terminal Filtered connectors Inventory Hopper Terminals also work on create contraptions ifCreate Contraption Terminalsis installed. Mod Spotlights: Downloads per Minecraft and Loader version: ...
Report Terminals also work on create contraptions ifCreate Contraption Terminalsis installed. Mod Spotlights: Downloads per Minecraft and Loader version:
Created Simple Storage Network 材质包由作者“makzzin”所制作,像素为16×16。 该材质包修改了Simple Storage Network mod的纹理,并增加了蒸汽朋克风格的纹理。 材质包除特殊情况,版本一般情况可以向下兼容,但不能向上兼容。 如果不会使用材质包,请点击查看我的世界材质包使用教程。
Simple vanilla style storage mod. Features: Storage & Crafting Terminal Inventory Connector Open Crate Wireless terminal Filtered connectors Inventory Hopper Mod Spotlights:About Simple vanilla style storage mod for Minecraft www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/toms-storage Topics minecraft Resources Re...
百度贴吧 聊兴趣,上贴吧 立即打开 打开百度贴吧 综合 贴 吧 人 直播 minecraft吧 ghtGHJGKHG 【mod】【汉化】[SSN]简易存储[SSN]SimpleStorageNetwork简易存储的汉化 版本1.12.2 因为看到网上的汉化是半成品,所以心血来潮搞了这个 第一次做汉化,是机翻+润色+旧版汉化才搞出来的。最后还有三句文本没有汉化,...
And then a step up in storage you have cabinets and wall cabinets. They look similar to the shelves except they have doors on them. The wall cabinets store half as much as the regular cabinets. And then for even more storage you have the crates that look just as a crate would and pro...
Normal chests show up as green and are obviously most common. This is a great way to find hidden caves and loot underground. It may get a little overbearing though if you use it in an area that happens to have a lot of chests, like a storage facility, but it’s not overly distractin...
Tom's Simple Storage Mod On FabricIndiumis required if you have Sodium installed! Simple vanilla style storage mod. Features: Storage & Crafting Terminal Inventory Connector Open Crate Wireless terminal Filtered connectors Inventory Hopper Terminals also work on create contraptions ifCreate Contraption Ter...