public String getText(int id, int id2) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[]{NAME_COL, AGE_COL, PLACE_COL}, ID_COL + "=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(id)}, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) cursor.moveToFi...
A Simple Example of Weak Ref Cursor DECLARE l_sql VARCHAR2(2000) := 'select deptno,loc scott.dept'; l_where VARCHAR2(200); TYPE dept_curtype IS REF CURSOR; dept_cur dept_curtype; TYPE dept_rec IS RECORD( deptno VARCHAR2(200) --attention the record element order ,loc VARCHAR2(200)...
A Simple Example of Weak Ref Cursor DECLARE l_sql VARCHAR2(2000) := 'select deptno,loc from scott.dept'; l_where VARCHAR2(200); TYPE dept_curtype IS REF CURSOR; dept_cur dept_curtype; TYPE dept_rec IS RECORD( deptno VARCHAR2(200) --attention the record element order ,loc VARCHAR2...
v_EnameVARCHAR(60);--定义员工名称变量 CURSORc_EmpISSELECTjob,empno,enamefromempFORUPDATE; BEGIN OPENc_Emp;--打开游标 LOOP--循环游标 FETCHc_EmpINTOv_Job,v_EmpNo,v_Ename;--提取游标数据 EXITWHENc_Emp%NOTFOUND;--如果无数据可提取退出游标 IF v_Job='CLERK'THEN--如果为职员,加薪10% UPDATEemp...
If the row does not exist (SQLCODE +100), executes an SQL statement INSERT to insert a new row with all the values in the parameter list.1 Opens cursor C1. This causes the result set to be returned to the caller when the stored procedure ends. ...
For this example, I used aliases for “Registered Server Name”, but I stick to the default when doing this for myself. At the most basic level, it should look like this. That’s it, you’re set up. Running Queries This is easier than the setup. Right-click on a group and click...
import sqlj.runtime.*;1import java.sql.*; #sql context EzSqljCtx;3a#sql iterator EzSqljNameIter (String LASTNAME);4apublic class EzSqlj { public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException { EzSqljCtx ctx = null; String URLprefix = "jdbc:db2:"; ...
WARING: SQL INJECTION RISK! This method calls the psycopg2 method cursor.execute. Make sure you read the psycopg2 documentation on passing parameters to SQL queries if you need to use execute_query. That's it! You've learn pretty much everything there is to know about half_orm. Next: hop...
you want to apply on the data the SELECT SQL statement retrieved from the data table. An example that retrieves the average annual Net Primary Production for each grid cell for a given time period from the results of the TestRun simulation: Raw query item: {1} annual NPP in the [T-T...
I’m sure this can be done in Excel (using LOOKUP?, or the RAND formula), but my skills are nowhere near good enough to work out how. Can anyone out there help please? LesKing Some time ago, I came up with a method to generate those often needed 4-digit code...