歌手:Super Simple Songs Super Simple Songs - Five Little Monkeys Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor And the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed Four little monkeys jumping on the bed ...
Super Simple Songs - Five Little Monkeys Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor And the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called ...
Five Little Monkeys 《 Five Little Monkeys》是欧美经典儿歌《SuperSimpleSongs》中的一首。这首英文儿歌,韵律轻快,俏皮有趣,分成五段,句型相似,只是从五只小猴子变成四、三、二、一只小猴子,便于孩子模仿。 Five little monkeys jumping on the bed 五只小猴子在床上跳 One fell off and bumped his head 一...
No more monkeys jumping on the bed Three little monkeys jumping on the bed……儿歌的词语循环重复,琅琅上口又不完全一样。还能学到one,two,three等数词。孩子很容易模仿,更容易接受。 2. 它的旋律活泼明快 能配合手势和舞蹈 Super Simple Songs有很多系列,收集了很多脍炙人口的英文儿歌。比如 The Wheel O...
SSS 超简单英文儿歌 Five little monsters jumping on the bed #supersimplesongs #英语启蒙 #儿童动画 #启蒙早教 #儿童英文歌曲 @十一妈妈· 2024年6月24日十一妈妈 04:34 8 《The Ducks Go Waddling》 《小鸭子摇摇晃晃》#儿歌 #数数歌 #英语启蒙 #supersimplesongs @摩卡☕️· 2024年9月20日摩卡☕...
Nomoremonkeysjumpingonthebed!(Putonehandonyourhipandwagyourindexfinger.) Fourlittlemonkeys(Holdupfourfingers.) Jumpingonthebed(Jumpupanddown.) Onefelloff(Holdup1fingerandthenrollyourhanddowntowardsthefloor.) Andbumpedhishead(Tapyourheadwithyourfist.) Mamacalledthedoctorandthedoctorsaid(Putyourpinkyand...
63、inky and thumb to your ear like a telephone.)No more monkeys jumping on the bed! (Put one hand on your hip and wag your index finger.)16. The Alphabet Song1 (Lets Learn)The alphabet songA B C D E F G,H I J K L M N,O P Q R S T U,V W X Y Z,Now you know you...
#Super Simple Songs# 自创游戏,一边表演一边唱《five little monkeys jumping on the bed》,还爱讲故事和编故事,2个月前给我和老谭讲小猪佩奇《工作和娱乐》讲得挺完整,前两天自己编了个《红绿灯乱了》的故事,红绿灯坏了,交通全乱套了,很欣喜看到孩子的变化。说起来,疫情在家待了快2个月,如果没个娃,日子...
经典儿歌super simple songs拓展玩儿法 自制亲子陪玩五只猴子安静书 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the bed绘本拓展 对于宝宝来说,jumping on the bed实在是一个好玩儿的游戏 每天都要蹦几次 让我们一边给孩子做安静书一边和孩子唱起来吧 为了可以反复使用,耐磨,可以塑封 ...