mysql-uroot-pCREATEDATABASEapi_exampleCHARACTERSETutf8mb4COLLATEutf8mb4_unicode_ci;CREATEUSER'api_user'@'localhost'identifiedby'api_password';GRANTALLonapi_example.*to'api_user'@'localhost';quit Our rest API will deal with just a single entity: Person, with the following fields:id,firstname,...
SimpleW is a Simple Web server library in .NET (windows/linux/macos). It provides a cross-plateform framework for building web applications on top of the great NetCoreServer socket server.FeaturesRouting Static Files RestAPI (Controller/Method + automatic json serialization/deserialization) Json Web...
Read the rest of the original readme. FreshRSS fork This repositoryFreshRSS/simplepieis a fork of themain repositorysimplepie/simplepieintended to be used forFreshRSS, which is a free, self-hostable news aggregator. The default branchfreshrssis the one used inthe FreshRSS codebase. ...
NodeJS REST API Example For our first example we will look at two simple NodeJS scripts. Below is an example of a native NodeJS HTTP GET request. In your favorite text editor create a new file calledrest.jsand enter the following code: const https = require("https"); const options = ...
I have written a simple REST API in Node.js. It includes routing a JSON REST request, converting it into SQL, executing it and giving a meaningful response. I tried to write the application as short as possible...
Similar to SeedProd, you can exclude certain pages from maintenance mode so they’ll always be accessible to visitors. For example, if you have abooking formthen you may want to make this page available even when the rest of your site is down for maintenance. ...
2. Test API Endpoints After we receive the API key, we can refer to the API endpoints (according to the rules in the documentation) to check if everything works as we expected. For this, we can use a REST client like Postman. In the case of RapidAPI, our life is much simpler. Imm...
The Function Builder API turns source code into functions, to deployed via REST API. Multi-tenancy is supported through Kubernetes network policies, resource limits, runtime classes, read-only filesystems, and dedicated namespaces per tenant. ...
if ($facebook->api_client->error_code) { throw new Exception('Unable to load profile from facebook'); } *///$info = $facebook->api_client->users_getInfo($u,array('uid','first_name','middle_name','last_name','nam...
Request redirection and the REST API Request routing Using the AWS CLI Developing with AWS SDKs Specifying the Signature Version in Request Authentication Get Amazon S3 request IDs for AWS Support Code examples Amazon S3 Basics Hello Amazon S3 Learn the basics Actions AbortMultipartUpload CompleteMulti...