DSLR - is an abbreviation forDigitalSingleLensReflex camera. A camera that allows the scene to be viewed through the lens EXACTLY as the photo will be taken. DSLR cameras are bigger and heavier than point and shoot cameras and mirrorless cameras. How much doDSLR cameras weigh? DSLR cameras u...
a reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidlyv. briefly shut the eyes vi. 眨眼, 闪亮vt. 眨眼, 使闪亮n. 眨眼, 瞬间, 闪光, 闪烁[计] 闪烁 blit n. 位块传送, 位块传输 blob blɒb blobs n. an indistinct shapeless form n. 一滴, 小斑点vt. 溅污 blown blәun s. being ...
the answers he provided in Vancouver will not surprise you. God is “how we imaginatively and collectively represent the existence and action of consciousness across time.” God is “that which eternally dies and is reborn in the pursuit of higher being and truth.” God is “the highest value...
Motor control of the internal organs is called an “autonomic reflex.” In an autonomic reflex, visceral sensory neurons send action impulses to the brain from the internal organs and, based on the gathered information, motor commands are sent back to the internal organs and smooth muscles. The...