国际学校小学演讲 the-present-simple-1 THEPRESENTSIMPLE1 THEPRESENTSIMPLE:AFFIRMATIVE Weformthepresentsimplewiththeinfinitiveoftheverb:1)S+infinitiveIworkYouworkWeworkYouworkTheywork2)S+infinitive+s/esHeworksSheworksItworks RULESFORTHE3RDPERSONSINGULAR 1)Ingeneral:infinitive+sIread→hereads2)Verbsendingin...
The simple present is a verb tense with two main uses. Use the simple present tense when an action is happening right now or when it happens regularly (or unceasingly, which is why it’s sometimes called present indefinite). Use the root form of the verb for most subjects in the simple...
美英国小学教材资料 the-simple-present THESIMPLEPRESENT ColégioVérticeProfa.RitaMoretti UsesofTheSimplePresent 1.TheSimplePresentcanbeusedtorefertoactionswhichoccuratregularintervals.RitateachesEnglishatColégioVérticethreetimesaweek.Annsingsintheschoolchoir.DanielalwayssleepsduringhisMathclass.Sheusuallyworksonher...
Simple Present – affirmative forms of haveA1 Simple Present – negative forms of haveA1 Simple Present – questions with haveA1 Simple Present – have got: positive and negativeA1 Simple Present – contractions: have got (1)A1 Simple Present – contractions: have got (2)A1 ...
3 Work Simple Present: Part 1 78 Simple preSent: pArt 1 50192_GE1_U03_078-115_rev06.indd 78 6/7/14 2:52 PM A worker on top of the John Hancock skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois, USA Lesson 1 page 80 Simple Present: Affirmative Statements; Irregular Verbs: Do, Go, and Have Lesson...
Date: ___ Present Simple, third person singular ▪ He, she, it: in the third person singular the verb always ends in -s : he want s , she need s , he give s , she think s.▪ דיחי ישילש ףוגב- he she it -ב םייתסמ ...
When conjugating the verb in the present simple, we use the infinitive with the following subjects: “I”, “you”, “we”, and “they”. For the third person (“he”, “she” and “it”), we add an “-s” to the end of the verb. Subject Conjugation I, you, we, they talk...
Grammatically, the simple present tense is formed by using the base form of the verb (the infinitive without 'to') for the first personsingular and second person singular/plural, as well as the plural forms of the first, second, and third persons. For the third person singular, a verb us...
THE PRESENT SIMPLE : For actions which occur regularly, habits, permanent situations and general truths. Simple Present Tense Adverbs of frequency Wake up. Wake up Get up Wash your face Brush your teeth. Simple Present vs. Present Continuous...
In order to form a typical sentence in the present perfect simple, choose a subject ((the person or thing that has done the action), add an auxiliary (or helping) verb: has or have + the V3 (past participle) form of the verb and then add the rest of the sentence. ...