When conjugating the verb in the present simple, we use the infinitive with the following subjects: “I”, “you”, “we”, and “they”. For the third person (“he”, “she” and “it”), we add an “-s” to the end of the verb. Subject Conjugation I, you, we, they talk...
El pasado simple en inglés es untiempo verbalque se utiliza parahablar de acciones que tuvieron lugar en el pasado y que ya finalizaron. A diferencia delpast progressiveeste tiempo verbal no tiene en cuenta la lejanía o cercanía de la acción en relación temporal con el hablante, sino...
simple present rules 将“simple past form"翻译成西班牙文 forma en pasado simple是将“simple past form"翻译成 西班牙文。 译文示例:It took me a few seconds to form the simple word and get it past my dry lips. ↔ Me costó unos segundos formar la sencilla palabra y expulsarla de mi...
I saw a gorg version on the cover of the newViva Terracatalog and I knew I had to make one, cause I don’t have $100 to spend on a plant. My house is filled with succulents, which is convenient, because you can just chop off a bit of a living succulent and it will grow into ...
My house is filled with succulents, which is convenient, because you can just chop off a bit of a living succulent and it will grow into a new plant! So that’s what I did, clipped from living plants (I might have taken a few from a local park, if it doesn’t kill the plant th...
Walk through a code example of how to configure a bucket for website hosting using the Amazon S3 website endpoint.