1. 祷告没有别的,只不过是继续不断的及日益增长的与父,子,圣灵间的爱的关系。(that prayer is nothing more than an ongoing and growing love relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.) 2. 当我们开始时,我们决不可因为少祷告而灰心。 “渴慕祷告既是祷告,这是渴慕的祷告”—Mary Vince...
The person of faith continuously trusts God and what they can't control in God's creation to meet their needs ("Give us this day our day's food," the Lord's Prayer). The person without faith in God tries to achieve a sense of security by hoarding resources and controlling things outs...
Life is hard. God is good. He helps us by His Holy Spirit to overcome our own sinful desires that only complicate things more. 2025 Lofe is hard. God is good. Follow His example and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, love those who hate you and bless those who curse you. 2025 02...
When we were still straying from God, He sent His Son to bring us mercy, grace, forgiveness, and restored relationship. The Holy Spirit brings us into the faith that saves us and unites us in the hope of Christ. When we were still straying from God, He sent His Son to bring us merc...
God, I'm lonely...God will answer that prayer in a way that will reveal His love for you. God loves it when we ask Him to show His love, He loves to show off because He IS love. His love never, ever fails to prove otherwise...
You see, God spoke directly to his heart today. The Holy Spirit penetrated the deepest part of this young mans soul and there is no doubt in my mind that the God of the universe will make good on a prayer prayed forward for a life in the balance between the god of this world and ...
Today on Simple Faith with Pastor Bill Henry, we’ll be reminded of - and encouraged in this high and holy calling! In Revelation chapter eleven we have the appearance of two witnesses but also we will see John is told to measure the temple. What does that mean and again what does it...
Prayer is the heart of the matter that involves drawing us closer to God, transforming us, opening us to His voice and leading, and relying on God’s power for ministry. Go and Share This involves two aspects: our story (testimony) and God’s story (the Gospel). ...
Prayer is the heart of the matter that involves drawing us closer to God, transforming us, opening us to His voice and leading, and relying on God’s power for ministry. Go and Share This involves two aspects: our story (testimony) and God’s story (the Gospel). ...
The first stanza contains an invocation to Christ through the intercession of prayer to Mary. It begins with a tribute to her – to the Mother of Christ, the Virgin, praised by God, the chosen one. After the tribute there is an appeal to Mary to win favour for her people from her Div...