There was prayer. The reading of scripture. Two sermons. A Christian pop song. It was religious. I’ve shared stories about what it was like. The awards. The people. The pranks. But the commencement on that video wasn’t much like the ceremony I remember. I was sitting next to Rachel...
The person of faith continuously trusts God and what they can't control in God's creation to meet their needs ("Give us this day our day's food," the Lord's Prayer). The person without faith in God tries to achieve a sense of security by hoarding resources and controlling things outs...
My heart and mind were drawn to the full passage. Of course, all believers know this model prayer, have heard it recited, have recited it ourselves, and most can quote it verbatim. But as I walked through those verses, the Lord caused me to do a little “examination” (much in the s...
Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For When you go to you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide! Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio....
16 For I am not ashamed of >>> the <<< gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. 17 For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, ...
There's no complicated ritual to follow. The gift is received simply by asking for it. If your answer is yes, please say the following prayer: — Dear Jesus. I am a sinner. I want to receive your free gift of eternal life. I believe that you are the son of God. I believe that ...
A Prayer for Healing Family Tree Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I come before You as Your child, in great need of Your help. I have physical health needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs, and interpersonal needs. Ma[...]Read more » ...
God has prepared a rest for us through Christ, and because of His life, death, and resurrection, we know we can approach God without fear and with hope for that rest from the pains and temptations of this life. Our sovereign God has shown us the path of peace: to love God through ac...
their own culture. Rosanna Deerchild exposes how the Residential Schools systematically undermined Aboriginal culture across Canada and disrupted families for generations, severing the ties through which Aboriginal culture is taught and sustained, and contributing to a general loss of language and culture....
Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For When you go to you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide! Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio....