At dinner, for instance, we watched a video Bryce’s dad took at our graduation ceremony. There was prayer. The reading of scripture. Two sermons. A Christian pop song. It was religious. I’ve shared stories about what it was like. The awards. The people. The pranks. But the commencem...
a prayer life with God’s priorities, a prayer life beseeching Him for provision and protection, and a prayer life filled with forgiveness … both from Him and toward others!
There are two more factors to add in here: first, the divine power of forgiveness and reclamation, which implies that human beings, even in their perversity, are redeemable, and second, the divine power of restoration and resurrection, which implies that no amount or kind suffering is irredeema...
Prayersimple man of GodTrinityTruthVerse of the DayVerseD 1 commentVerseD: John 5:24 “Truly I tell you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life.”John 5:24, CSB Because Christ has come...
recommendedtosupplicateandaskAllahforforgiveness andMercy. Step7. Afteramomentortwo,repeat: All¥huAkbar Returntotheprostrationposition,repeatingasbefore3 times: Sub^¥naRabbÏal-¢Al¥ ThiscompletesoneRak¢aofthePrayer. TocarryonwiththesecondRak¢a,standandrepeatthe ...
God came to us in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, and now He offers us to draw near and trust in Him as the only hope for eternal life and help in this life. When we were still straying from God, He sent His Son to bring us mercy, grace, forgiveness, and restored relationship....
ask me for forgiveness but you can’t forgive and forget the unnameable there is no word for what they did in our language to speak it is to become torn from the choking money got no cure for that now i’m almost seventy and you want me to ...
heart today. The Holy Spirit penetrated the deepest part of this young mans soul and there is no doubt in my mind that the God of the universe will make good on a prayer prayed forward for a life in the balance between the god of this world and our heavenly Father’s will for his ...
My prayer is that her story will be an encouragement for those who are walking the same path. -JGIG A Hebrew Roots Wife Speaks A few years ago, my husband and I started to feel a stirring in our spirits and a growing discontent with the “status quo” we had experienced for many ...
If your answer is yes, please say the following prayer: — Dear Jesus. I am a sinner. I want to receive your free gift of eternal life. I believe that you are the son of God. I believe that you died for my sins. I believe that you rose from the dead. I choose to place my ...