Learn how health and wellness professionals can easily use SimplePractice's features and workflows to streamline their practices and better serve their clients.
Acupuncture web-based billing, electronic healthcare recording and charting, electronic insurance claims submission, online scheduling and practice management software. Invoice, superbill, and CMS-1500 insurance form creator. Designed for acupuncturists.
"I've tried quite a few software programs for online training and I found thatTrain is the easiest one. Train has made my training business simple to run. I absolutely would recommend Train to other businesses like mine, no doubt about it." ...
SimpleMED is more than just billing software. It is a comprehensive Practice Management package that will help you manage the business side of your practice. Basic Features include Insurance Billing, Patient Billing, Unpaid Claims Tracking, After Care, Registration, Scheduling, Referral Tracking, Repor...
its team realised that challenges like billing and accounting were particularly time-consuming for clinicians. “The payments part of running a small business is critical,” says Fletcher Dennison, COO of SimplePractice. “If our customers don’t get payments right, their business won’t be operat...
Nobody makes it easier to start your own practice, or take your existing practice online. All the tools you need Live, personalized training Unparalleled customer support Simple, fixed monthly billing See A Demo Learn More A full suite of HIPAA-compliant tools available ...
This role can do most actions in SimplePractice for their own clients only. By default, all other clients in the practice will be hidden from their view. Clinicians with billing access can do the following for their clients:Client care Schedule appointments Their clients Edit appointments Their ...
Legal Billing - simple software for your practice!Legal Billing from Chaos Software is designed for busy lawyers and other legal professionals who expect to spend their valuable time working on billable hours rather than struggling with hard-to-use legal billing software. Why choose this billing ...
is straightforward and effective. Setting up and activating the billing system is step learning curve, and then figuring out how to get assistance from people at simple practice is not simple. But once finally securing an online meeting, the people helping at simple practice are excellent - profe...
Elegant software to run your clinic About Us We are surgeons changing the status quo At Nopali, we strive to turn the complexities of running your medical practice into a simple pleasure using a gorgeous, easy-tu-use interface. Book appointments, get their photos, reports, billings, insurance...