Puzzles abount the Causal Explanation of Human Actions But apart from such strenuous matters, it may be usefully noted: (a) that it is entirely possible that appeal to so-called natural laws need not directly bear on the causal explanation of a given phenomenon simply because the laws... J...
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You should always check for a None value and it's a good practice to provide an Exit button of some kind. Thus design patterns often resemble this Event Loop: while True: event, values = window.Read() if event is None or event == 'Quit': break Actually, the more "Pythonic version"...
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You should always check for a None value and it's a good practice to provide an Exit button of some kind. Thus design patterns often resemble this Event Loop:while True: event, values = window.Read() if event is None or event == 'Quit': break...
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Again, there's no error handling in here. Were this a production-grade library I'd have logic that verified that the number of colours was between 1 and 32.Later on I'm going to need a private constructor that can set all of these fields directly, so let's just build that now:...
Again this looks fundamentally different to mine. Which sort of puzzles me, as when importing a project from us, not only the source, but of course also the project settings should be copied from our original project, means they should be the same. This is not the case on your side. So...