make up for B 2. In the story, there is an impossible character, a victim of insomnia, who finds that a volume of Wordsworth’s poems is the only sure ___. A. incredulousB. soporificC. solitaryD. indispensable C 3. There is much work which is exceedingly___. A. pleasantB. satisf...
This entry was posted inacademic search,gratitude,gratitude ultra,health,interpretation,joy,motivation,origins,people,poems,spiritualand tagged#cognitivepsychology,#embodiedcognition,#gratitudeultra,#MaryBlakeHuer,#TheWeightofThoughts,#Theweightofthoughtsbythomsslerooy,#ThomasLeRooy,#whatarethoughts,#wheredot...
I used to deeply mourn the passing of my father and for many years I remembered the pain, loss and anxiety related to that particular moment in time. Each one of us has experienced concentrating on the wrong things I guess, it’s part of the journey. But the other part for me was un...