A. The simple past: regular verbsThese regular past forms end with the sounds /d/, /t/, /id/ or /i:d/ / a:d/. Put them in the correct columns:根据读音将以下规则动词的过去式分类:cried, answered, decided, asked, fried, entered, cooked, started, contained, interrupted, noticed, trav...
Put the verbs in the past simple and write them in the lists. Use the text on page 56 to help you.stay have tell leave say step become beat want win listen think happen go talk die Regular verbs Irregular verbs 相关知识点: 试题来源: ...
Use the simple past tense to talk about things that happened before or existed before now, to talk about a past state of being, or to make clear that something occurred at a specific time in the past. The simple past tense of regular verbs is formed by adding -ed to the infinitive for...
1、Simple Past Tense(ACTION / VERBS)EVERY EVENINGHe washes the dishes every eveningYESTERDAY EVENINGHe wash the clothes yesterday eveninged EVERY WEEKENDThey go to the cinema every weekend.LAST WEEKENDThey went to the theatre last weekendVERB 1INFINITIVE(PRESENT)VERB 2PAST PLAY PLAYED WASH WASHED ...
VERB2(PAST)RegularVerbsTake-ed Irregularverbs TheformCHANGES WorkworkedeatateStaystayedseesawListenlistenedflyflew Spellinginregularverbs(-d/-ed/-ied)•1)Vowel+consonant:Doubletheconsonantstop–stoppedtravel-travelled •2)Add–d,whentheverbendswith–eshare–sharedlike–liked ...
1. be动词的过去式为was和were,故该题的正确答案为was/were。 2. feel的过去时变化为不规则变化,其过去式为felt。 3. forget的过去时变化为不规则变化,其过去式为forgot。故该题的答案为forgot。 4. go的过去式变化为不规则变化,其过去式为went。故该题的正确答案为went。 5. keep的过去式变化为不规则变...
IL. Write the past simple form of these verbs. Put them in the correct list.teach learn lose have play answer touch appear do like eat visit make grow open get become build decide waste shout cry say watch stop try live study plan move love drink go swim buy wake+ed÷d y-i+ed doub...
1、Si mpl e- Past -般过去式Simple PastFORMVERB+ed or irregular verbsExamples:? You called Debbie.? Did you call Debbie? You did not call Debbie. Complete List of Simple Past FormsUSE 1 Completed Action in the PastX IPdstPresent FutureUse the Simple Past to express the idea that an ...
小学一年级英语 Past Simple Verbs USAGE todescribeactionsandtotellastoryandtosituationsthathappenedexpressactionswhich atadefinitetimeinthefolloweachotherina past.story:ThismorningIwenttotheIthappenedonenightin supermarket.thewinter.Hetookout thekeyandunlockedthe door.REGULARVERBS Thepastsimpletenseofthe...
In this course, “Simple Past Tense,” you will learn how to form and use the simple past. You will see that there are a lot of irregular verbs in the simple past, but there are some patterns you can use to help you remember. You will learn about spellin