You can also use the simple past to talk about a past state of being, such as the way someone felt about something. This is often expressed with the simple past tense of the verb to be and an adjective, a noun, or a prepositional phrase. Here are some examples: Phoebe was proud of...
Examples: Simple past tense questions Didyougoto the theater last night? DidAndyforgetto file the report? To ask a question starting with a wh-word (aninterrogative pronounlike “who” or aninterrogative adverblike “where”), follow the same word order as above, but add the pronoun or adve...
The Simple Past Tense with Time Expressions The simple past tense is often seen with a time expression explaining when the activity took place or how long it lasted. Examples of "when an activity took place": On Tuesday last week, the Martians landed near the aqueduct. ("On Tuesday last...
Explore the definition of simple past tense. Examine examples of how it is used with regular and irregular verbs, and what it means for past...
An example would be: "Didyougoto the store yesterday?" Note how you usedid,the past tense of the irregular verbdo,to start the sentence together with the present tense of the verbgolater in the question. Other examples would be:
语法:一般过去时(SimplePastTense) 语法:一般过去时(SimplePastTense) 例A:Heworkedveryhardlastyear. 去年他很用功。 例B:Mr.Smithboughtanewcaryesterday. 史密斯先生昨天买了一辆新车。 例C:Theywerehereonlyafewminutesago. 几分钟前他们还在这里。 解说: 一般过去时最明显的现象就是常由表达过去之时间的....
past simple tense例子past simple tense例子 以下是几个使用过去简单时态(Past Simple Tense)的例子: 1. He worked hard yesterday.(他昨天工作很努力。) 2. She finished her homework at 9 o'clock last night.(她昨晚9点完成了作业。) 3. They visited their grandparents last weekend.(他们上个周末拜访...
The simple past tense一般过去时We use the simple past tense to talk about things that我们用一般过去时来谈论在过去发生或者happened or did not happen in the past.没发生的事情。我/你(们)/我I/You/We/attended the Clubs Fair.参加了社团展览会。们/他(她、它They/He/She/Itdid not attend the ...
Or the answer could be in the future tense: "Yes, I'll go to the concert." You can read more about these verb forms in previous Everyday Grammar stories. Past tense with other verbs We started this program w...
17 第3单元-语法:The simple past tense & Adverbial phrases for the past是八年级上册英语上海牛津版名师同步教学的第17集视频,该合集共计56集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。