Teaching procedures:Step 1 Tell Ss to what the simple past tense is.Step 2 detellsⅠ、Learn all the words and phrases used with the simple past tense.Ⅱ、Learn the rules of the past forms of the regular verbs and the past form of the irregular verbsIII、Do some EXX of the past forms...
Thosew__e_r_e_suchhappytimesandnotsolong_a_g_o___,howIwonderedwherethey’d gone.Thedefinition(定义)ofthePastSimpleTense:一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。CircletheexpressionsthatcanbeusedinthePastSimpleTense.today yesterday 2yearsago in1990 justnow(...
【K12英语基础教育】simple-past-tense_92418 UNIVERSIDADAUTÓNOMADELESTADODEHIDALGO ESCUELASUPERIORDEZIMAPÁN LicenciaturaenDerecho EventosPasadosyFuturos.InglésII L.E.I.CarlosCaballeroSánchezEnero-Junio2016 Resumen(abstract)•Elalumnoserácapazdeexpresaracciones pasadasentiempoyformaestableciendoladiferencia...
Thesimplepast(alsocalledpastsimple)isaverbtensewhichisusedtoshowthatacompletedactiontookplaceataspecifictimeinthepast.Thesimplepastisalsofrequentlyusedtotalkaboutpasthabitsandgeneralizations.SimplePastForms RegularpastformsThesimplepastisformedusingtheclean→cleanedvisit→visited .ask→asked Ifthewordendswithlettere,...
Teaching procedures:Step 1 Tell Ss to what the simple past tense is.Step 2 detellsⅠ、Learn all the words and phrases used with the simple past tense.Ⅱ、Learn the rules of the past forms of the regular verbs and the past form of the irregular verbsIII、Do some EXX of the past forms...
1、Simple Past TenseMake up questions for the following answers.1A: When did she sell her car?B: She sold her car a week ago. (When)2A: How did they get along with their parents?B: They got along really well with their parents. (How)3A: Where did he go on his last vacation?B...
(stan) –past tense, past participle stunned – verb 1. to make unconscious or knock senseless eg by a blow on the head. The blow stunned him.dejar inconsciente 2. to shock or astonish. He was stunned by the news of her death.aturdir, pasmar, asombrarˈstunning adjective marvellous....
After I had come back from gym, I took shower and had my breakfast. Is it correct? Ekta2002 5/5! Good marks! Thanks, Ronnie! After I had watched Ronnie’s this lesson, I really understood past perfect tense. Jerry Gu thank you so much for your hard work. eslam hatem ...
Complete the questions and answers with the simple past tense of the verbs in brackets. Question Uncle Bob the bus to the hotel? Answer No, he (do). He took a taxi.
基础英语学习 Simple Past Tense Grammar SimplePastTense Makeupquestionsforthefollowinganswers.1 A:Whendidshesellhercar?B:Shesoldhercaraweekago.(When)2 A:Howdidtheygetalongwiththeirparents?B:Theygotalongreallywellwiththeirparents.(How)3 A:Wheredidhegoonhislastvacation?B:HewenttoRiodeJaneiroonhis...