小学英语教育pastsimple-regular-verbs-game-fun-activities-games-games-grammar-drills_23999.pdf 15页内容提供方:星帅 大小:3.26 MB 字数:约小于1千字 发布时间:2021-05-05发布于湖南 浏览人气:7 下载次数:仅上传者可见 收藏次数:0 需要金币:*** 金币 (10金币=人民币1元)...
Regular verbs: simple past tense WARM-UP: PAST Yesterday • Then • In 1968, • 1991, etc. • PRESENT Today • Now • In 2011 • FUTURE Tomorrow • Then • In 2012, etc • The goals of this week’s Classroom lesson (#10) are to learn more about the simple past ...
SimplePastTense–RegularVerbs Afewexamples... walkrainhelp affirmative walkedrainedhelped negative didnotwalkdidnotraindidnothelp question Did__walk?Did__rain?Did__help? smileerasedance affirmative smilederaseddanced negative didnotsmiledidnoterasedidnotdance question Did__smile?Did__erase?Did__dance?
A The simple past: regular verbs These regular past forms end with the sounds /d/, /t/ or lid/. Put them in the correct columns.根据读音将以下规则动词的过去式排入表中。received, waited, worked, visited, counted, enjoyed, painted. talked. looked. turned. rained. passed.climbed, crashed,...
2 The simple past:regular verbsThese regular past forms end with the sounds /d/,/t/or /id/.Put them in the correct columns.根据读音将以下规则动词的过去式排入表中。received,waited,worked,visited,counted,enjoyed,painted,talked,looked,turned,rained,passed,climbed,crashed,shouted,offered,handed,like...
Regular Verbs - Simple Past 作者為:Lisbeth Andino 翻譯:calliope 類別:文法 agree asked answer answered believe believed belong belonged ask agreed
Grammar test - simple past (regular + irregular verbs) 1. Give the simple past of these verbs. 2. Complete these sentences with a correct form of the simple past. (positive/ negative/ question)Level:intermediate Age: 11-17 Downloads:20 Copyright...
The worksheet is designed to present and to drill Past Simple form of regular verbs. There are spelling rules and 6 exercises, pronuciation rules for -ed, plus the link from the ESLP forum on using games to present and teach Past Simple. The worksheet is fully editable. Key included. PAR...
A. The simple past: regular verbsThese regular past forms end with the sounds /d/, /t/, /id/ or /i:d/ / a:d/. Put them in the correct columns:根据读音将以下规则动词的过去式分类:cried, answered, decided, asked, fried, entered, cooked, started, contained, interrupted, noticed, trav...
A|The simple past with regular verbs Look.请看下表. Positive Negative Question Short answers |he stayed he did not stay did he stay?Yes, he did. or he didn't stay or No, he didn't. |Now write dialogues like the example. Use the simple past tense. 用一般过去时完成以下对 话|. 1...