Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, and Past Perfect Tense(prepared by alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)Question (from 泥泞开出花朵):老师我看到这样一个句子,A very loud engineer talked big about all of the civil works that he was involved in. 这句话中的was是指他当时正在参加的国家工程...
including the past simple tense so you'll really get to put everything that we've been learning over the last few weeks into practice. As always if you have any questions, write them down in the comments below.但是
(simple past tense)是谈及之前发生的事情。它的发生已经完成,已过去。simple past 是在动词之后添加 'ed'例子:- I worked in a factory before.(我曾经在一家工厂工作.)这件事已成过去。所以 worked 是简单的过去时态。过去进步时态(past continuous/progressive tense)同样是谈及过去发生之事情,而...
simplepresent/simplepast/presentcountinuous/pastcontinuous/presentperfectpastperfect/simplefuture/都有哪些可以判定是这些tense的句子的重要字眼?"西华乖娃"的回答太简单,会英语的人这些都会啦,要难一点的 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 simple present 无标志,表示日常行为 习惯 爱好等 动词为原形,单三加s 就行...
Simple past and past continuous一般过去时和过去进行时TIP提示We often use these words with the simple past tense.我们经常把这些词语和一般过去时连用。yesterday..agoin 1999昨天…前在1999年the other daylast.前几天上一个……TIP提示We often use these words with the past continuous我们经常把这些词语和...
simple past 是在动词之后添加 'ed'例子:- I worked in a factory before. (我曾经在一家工厂工作.) 这件事已成过去。所以 worked 是简单的过去时态。过去进步时态(past continuous/progressive tense) 同样是谈及过去发生之事情, 而这件事情发生持续了一段时间; 与此同时, 另一件事情同时...
4. 现在进行时 (Present Continuous Tense)现在进行时用来描述正在进行的动作。例如:I am watching a movie now. (我现在正在看电影。)They are playing soccer in the park. (他们正在公园里踢足球。)5. 过去进行时 (Past Continuous Tense)过去进行时用来描述过去某个时间段内正在进行的动作。例如:I was...
The past tense refers to an event or an action that has happened in the past. For example, the verb "talk" becomes "talked" in the simple past tense. Types of past tense are as below: -Simple Past Tense -Past Continuous Tense -Past Perfect Tense -Past Pe
【题目】Simple past and past continuous Tense Used for Example actions that happened Simon played football the past Simple past actions that happenedSimon came home, turned or one after another inthe computer and checked his the past email.actions that were in Yesterday at 4 p.m....
Simple past and past continuousTenseUsed forExampleactions that happenedSimon played football the pastSimple pastactions that happenedSimon came home, turned onone after another inthe computer and checked histhe pastemail.actions that were inYesterday at 4 p.m., Simon wasprogress at a...