Maybe true for Mary, but is it true for us? 2. WHAT'S THE BACKSTORY? What do we know about Mary: -She knew some scripture-She was faithful-She was among the believers [not venerated, but in community] Acts 1:14 (They all met together and were constantly united in prayer, along ...
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Government Stealth Research Program Entirely Controlled by the Scientific Community in the Nonprofit Private Sector with the Shield - These Days Ken Works for Uncle Sam and the United Nations from the Nonprofit Private Sector - We Are Publicly Discussing Worldwide Mass Market Superintelligent Advanced ...
Artist Thomas "Breeze" Marcus attends an exhibition opening of his work at Blue Rain Gallery in Santa Fe, N.M. on Thursday, Aug. 17, 2023, including the painting titled "Answered Prayer," backgound. A separate group exhibition that included his work...
Spiritual warfare is not waged in a prayer closet … But by going forth to assault the gates of Hell. The prayer closet is simply where we get our marching orders. When your ministry becomes your source of validation … It truly is “your” ministry. ...
📍Acceptance in a Nutshell acceptance means allowing our thoughts and feelings to be as they are, regardless of whether they are pleasant or painful; opening up and making room for them; dropping the struggle with them; and letting them come and go as they naturally do. Actively making room...
Liz and Kwasi haven’t gotten off to a good start with their attempt to implement the principles of Britannia Unchained, largely because the markets asked to fund the interim shortfall have taken one look at the project and thought to themselves ‘Nah, not gonna work, not a prayer, guys’...
Maybe true for Mary, but is it true for us? 2. WHAT'S THE BACKSTORY? What do we know about Mary: -She knew some scripture-She was faithful-She was among the believers [not venerated, but in community] Acts 1:14 (They all met together and were constantly united in prayer, along ...