This basic one transistor circuit will deliver roughly 15 dB boost at 100 Hz, or cut at 15 kHz. A low noise general purpose audio transistor is employed in this simple bass, treble circuit, and the output could be coupled straight into any power amplifier volume control, where the tone con...
TR1 can be the 2N3819 or any other common FET, and TR2 can be a BC108 or some other high gain ordinary NPN transistor. The sense pad is quickly produced from 0.1 in or 0.15 in matrix perforated circuit PCB with conductive foil across the rows of holes. A board measuring 1 x 3 inche...
Whenever the rainwater comes in contact with the probe in the above circuit, then the current flows through the circuit to enable the Q1 (NPN) transistor and also Q1 transistor makes Q2 transistor (PNP) to become active. Thus the Q2 transistor conducts and then the flow of current through t...
The oscillator circuit is connected to the power state switch block for switching ON/OFF. The transistor is used as a switch to control the connection of oscillator, capacitor and power source in series. We have used the PNP and NPN transistor as H-bridge, which power the relay. The H-...
Simple Latch Circuit with Transistors Hi, unfortunately all these pnp-npn transistor latch variations have very sensitive input (I guess it is because of positive feedback). Mine catches EM noise from 20W AC motor turning on nearby. Dangerous if it turns on some heavy equipment. Submitted by ...
My daughter is testing Simple Emergency Light Circuit that she made herself. Components List(in the completed circuit above) Q1, Q2: C9013, 0.8A 50V, NPN transistor D1, D2: 1N4007, 1000V 1A Diodes C1: 220µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitors ...
A simple transistor drive or control circuit for a signal coupling transistor switch is used. It consists of a PNP NPN transistor pair which allows rapid switching and consists basically of a single transistor amplifier. A PNP-NPN transistor pair (T2, T2') is connected between a signal input ...
A lot of FM transmitter circuits have been already published here. This just another one, a simple two transistor FM transmitter. The first stage of the circuit is a preamplifier stage based on transistor Q1. This is a collector to base biased amplifier stage where resistor R2 sets the colle...
T1………..Sl 100 NPN Transistor Z1………..Headphone A1………..See notes D1………..1N34 Germanium Diode Note: LM 324 is quad op-amp. Out of which only IC1 a & IC1 b are used. Power supply pins are common so they (pin 8 & 4) are shown connected once. ...
This FM radio receiver circuit is very simple to build and is powered by just a single 1.5V battery cell. Receiver consists of a regenerative rf stage, TR1, followed by a two of three-stage audio amplifier, TR2 to TR4. In some areas 3 stages of audio amplification may not be necessary...