A budget is supposed to make you aware of your spending habits—not make you miserable. Avoid shooting for unrealistic spending limits or monthly savings goals. Aiming for the unachievable could make you want to stop budgeting because it can feel useless. You're more likely to be successful wi...
In Excel, changing cell references is crucial for making flexible and dynamic worksheets. When you copy a formula from one cell to another, how the formula behaves depends on the type of cell reference you use. There are three types: absolute, changing, and mixed. Using the right type he...
Beingfinancially independentmeans having the freedom to make choices that are not dependent on your monthly paycheck. Everyone defines “wealth” differently, but one thing that most people agree on is that wealth equates to financial independence and a savings account to depend on. This means that...
#2. Create A Practical Monthly Budget You want to cut back on spending toincrease saving, but that doesn’t mean you have to live as a pauper. However, you may have to act as if you didn’t have an income increase–at least for the time being. ...
Managing your money wisely will give you the freedom to live well, and being in control of your finances and your monthly budget will also give you peace of mind. This quick tidy up should get you well on your way to better managed finances! Oh, and don’t forget to do ...
Add monthly calendar pages between your daily planner pages. It is good to print these on cardstock and use these as monthly dividers. Add the daily planning pages or weekly planning printables. Add some budget worksheets and family management pages. ...
Going hand-in-hand with budgeting, this set of 25 finance icons is just the right collection to round out any business themed app, website, or print media. And with Envato Elements, you can get this pack for free with a monthly subscription!
Another way to increase your monthly cash flow is to consider getting a roommate, or getting on a family plan for your cell phone. You may even consider downsizing your living space if you are paying for a room that you don't use. ...
To give yourself an estimate, add up all of the expenses that you paid last year, including credit card payments, cash withdrawals, monthly payments, food expenses, etc. Once you have that number, determine how much of a financial cushion you have–do you have enough money to live your cu...