-Fixed a bug in Vehicle Mod Menu (plaques). -Shower will now clear blood from Ped. -Since people have reported that showers, couches and beds won't work when the interior actually isn't a proper interior, I have dropped the requirement for these to only work when it's a proper interi...
Q: ARE YOU PLANNING ON UPDATING THE MOD IN THE FUTURE A: I have no plans to update this mod yet. Q: HOW DO I INSTALL THIS MOD A: Simple drag and drop both files into your scripts folder. Q: WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS A: Scripthookv: https://nl.gta5-mods.com/tools/script-hook...
在3DM Mod站下载侠盗猎车手系列最新的Simple Trainer for GTA V Mod,由RafU_EkSDi 制作。roidv在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: RafU_EkSDi Mod版本: 8.8 Mod大小: 17.6 KB 更新时间: 2018-12-07 23...
侠盗猎车5 v1.36NativeTrainer内置修改器 1.25M 5930次 GTA51.44版本中文内置修改器 1.25M 3333次 侠盗猎车5 v1.36啪啪啪+抢劫MOD 1.25M 2996次 免费模组 1024人感兴趣 需拥有游戏本体侠盗飞车5才能运行。 英译 sjaak327 更新 2020-05-23 大小 1.25M ...
http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/download.php?f=16796 使用方法:运行原版:解压Trainer.asi和trainer....
Version 16.8 is now released Simple Trainer for GTAV which is the successor of the Simple Trainer for GTAIV (http://gtaforums.com/topic/392973-ivrel-simple-trainer-for-gtaiv/). The trainer also supports input by controller. List of options: General: RCTR
3月22更新Spectre Menu0.5 3月22更新小丑大神的修改器beta2 3月18日更新Simple Trainer 3.5完全汉化 3月1日更新JM1.7完全汉化支 2月27日更新ST3.4和SM0.4离线版! 2月21日新更新4个 汉化的外挂都是从MPGH论坛GTA5板块和gta5-mods搬运来的!!! 4月10日更新Simple Trainer 5.3简繁汉化版 作者sjaak327 ...
The menu key-codes are editable in the .ini file that is created after you run the game with the mod. CHANGELOG: v1.0.2d Fixed water bug where the player was not able to get water from ocean or lakes. Fixed resource limit where you could not craft weapon crates. ...
GTA5 1.61 Simple Trainer修改器 GTA5線上小助手支持1.61 v3.0.3.5 《俠盜獵車手5》最新免費外掛神器:YimMenu 1.69版本突破BattlEye限制 多功能輔助工具下載教學 Recommended by GTA5 • GTA5終極MOD整合包|真實畫質+300+載具人物|頭文字D AE86|八方之原地圖|83.4GB • 《GTA5》2025年最新MOD整合包 頭...
Unknown Modder All Versions 1.0.2(current) 18.151 downloads, 177 KB 21 dicembre 2017 More mods byalloc8or: Ramps Racetrack Road Map Editor Menyoo Featured 5.0 20.528135 GTA Online Stunt Race Maps [Map Editor / Menyoo] 1.3 Byalloc8or ...